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Employment Opportunities

Internship Opportunities

Ideal Solution, LLC is looking for interns to work in the areas of Marketing, Business, and Computer Science/IT.

Writer: Person needed to interview individuals and put together copy for marketing materials in print, verbal, and electronic distribution. You will also contribute to on-line efforts to increase visibility and ranking.

Designer: Layout pages for both print and web. SEO for websites.

Telemarketing and Surveys: You will refine and test calling scripts and do surveys and telemarketing. This will involve various campaigns and you will also help design new campaigns.

Branding: This person will design a branding and marketing plan while creating goals, budgets and time lines. This work will be on various products for several companies.

Grant/Proposal Writer: You will find funding to take various products to the market, get funding to start a 509c3 and locate and procure corporate sponsorship.

Business: Work flow assessment, design and procedure writing. Project management. Employee manual development.

Programmer: Person needed to work on web based application development. Understanding of object oriented programming and databases helpful.

Technical Writer: Write programming and structure documentation, as well as user manuals and administration guides.

DBA: Design schema and table layouts. Refine and design queries, triggers and other database functions.

UI/GUI Design: Design appealing and intuitive layout to maximize efficiency.

These positions are unpaid, but we will cover the cost of your tuition if you receive internship credit. You will also be considered for future positions on our staff.

Ideal Solution, LLC is an information technology company. We provide solutions in the form of servers, networks, advanced programming and phone systems. Our primary customers are small to medium-sized businesses, as well as other IT firms and marketing firms that resell our services in various ways. We are active members of the open source community. The office that you would be working at is located in North Lansing, towards the airport.

Please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it for more information or to send over your resume.

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